Poster Presentation The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association 2013

Central Coast Local Health District Staff Knowledge of Diabetes (#205)

Brett Fenton 1
  1. Central Coast Local Health District, Gosford, NSW, Australia

Background: Staff education is an important aspect of Diabetes education when working in a Health care organisation. Aim: The aim of this project was to evaluate staff knowledge to identify weaknesses and inform the need for future training Methods: A diabetes knowledge questionnaire was sent to all clinical staff via area communications on World Diabetes Day. Staff had 5 days to complete the questionnaire and fax, email or post the results back via internal mail. An incentive was offered for the first individual with all questions answered correctly and for the team with the highest percentage of correct answers and the team had to be greater than 5 people. Results: 109 questionnaires were completed and returned. Only 9 people got all answers correct. The lowest score was 4 out of 12 questions correct. The questions that were least often answered correctly were questions relating to NDSS, Hypoglycaemia management and Hyperglycaemia management. Conclusion: As a result of this quality activity future staff training will focus on management of hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia. Inservices will also include information on NDSS. A follow up staff knowledge questionnaire will be sent to staff in 12 months to evaluate effectiveness of staff training. n