May Khin Soe Dr. May Soe
My Name is Dr. May Khin Soe currently working in Basic Medical Sciences department, Faculty of Pharmacy at International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan Campus, Pahang D.M, east coast of Malaysia as an Assistant Professor for 10 years. I have obtained my first degree M. B., B. S since 1990 from University of Medicine 1 Yangon in Myanmar. I specialized in diabetes mellitus when I studies Master Biochemistry and obtained M. Med, Sc (Biochemistry) from same university by the year 2000. And I have obtained C. C. F. M from Myanmar Medical Association by 2012 as well. As I have devoted in teaching Biochemistry and Endocrine and Reproductive system and have committed the research related with diabetes and pharmacy education since 1997 till now, I have decided to grasp the opportunity to become a one of diabetes educators. I become a member of one of Malaysian Diabetes Educators Society at April, 2013.
My brief service experience are here,
Total Working Experience in academic field: 22 years (Since 1991-Up to date)
1990-1991 (1 year): Internship at medical, surgical, emergency unit, paediatric and central women hospital, Yangon, Myanmar.
1992-1993 (1 year): Medical officer at Clinical Pathology Department, NYGH. Myanmar.
1992-1993 (2 years): Medical officer at Department of Medicine, NYGH. Myanmar.
1995-2003 (8 years +): Lecturer (Biochemistry Department) at University of Medicine 1, Yangon, Myanmar.
2003- Present (almost 10 years): Assistant Professor (DU- 52 since 2008) at Faculty of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Malaysia.
Australian Diabetes Society and Diabetes Educators Association are well known and very active globally, I do hope I will gain something new and updated information that will benefit to both diabetes community and diabetes educators.
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